Thursday 26 January 2017

Vagina cakes at New Year 2017 celebrations in Obs and Gynae Dept

New Year celebrations in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department in a Macedonian Hospital shocked management when they found on Facebook photographs of the lavish tables laden with vagina cakes. All staff faced disciplinary action with 30% reduction in salary.

Friday 20 January 2017

Heavily robed procession to Suicide Prevention: Government's report 2017

Doctors4Justice has been successful in campaigning for suicide prevention in that we got governments interested in the issue again, but we failed to get some heavily robed individuals to accept evidence of much wrongdoing in some institutions. This is not unexpected considering contributors' dependency of honour/reputation on the state.

We are sympathetic to all the MPs who mean well; and thank them sincerely, but government is served badly by medical profession characterised by poor leadership. One doctor described it as "two pence worth", but we are sure this is not the sum the government paid for the report. In fact, it paid lots over many years including the cost of lost lives.

Of course, we appreciated that those who keep silent on issues they should speak about get rewarded for their protection of failed policies, bad attitudes even from Department of Health itself!!

Well, it is not never mind as we continue to fight for justice.

The report is HERE and we shall respond in full to these cowardly people.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Complicity in torture: Shortage of doctors with surplus of unemployed whistleblower doctors and nurses

Image result for no brain xrayOnce again it is winter time and UK doctors are complaining of staff shortages, bed shortages, and one or two other serious problems. Of course, more people have been damaged and died because of the NHS mismanagement.

While there is customary government blaming, some doctors, social workers, nurses and nasty patient relatives have contributed to it by, for example, hounding of innocent doctors for political or religious reasons and others doing nothing when they saw it happening. Only a handful of doctors intervened. As per Milgrim experiment complicity in torture wins in UK.

The General Medical Council, regulator of medical profession, obliged medical bullies and harassers by striking innocent doctors off, ruining their lives and killing patients by depriving them of good doctors.

British medical culture is not attractive to intelligent, kind doctors observing the events with the parts of the brain others have either missing or rather small. Would you want to train for 14 years, work for thirty and have everything taken away from you by nasty British system when you try all your best to protect the patients and public?

Now, we do know that more Indian doctors choose not to come to UK. Why should they endure rampant racism in NHS and at medical regulator? Humiliations do kill people. Hundreds of doctors died before their time. And at least, tens of thousands of patients.

There has been no rehabilitation of whistleblowers at all; yes, there was an enquiry into whistleblowing, and one or two judges showed courage with their recent rulings involving whistleblowing.

More action and leadership is required from the top. Time flies and as you read this some people are dying.

Monday 9 January 2017

Great day for freedom of speech - No sanction on Judge Patricia Lynch


It has been widely reported that a judge who used offensive language in court has not committed any professional offence. Great day for justice in UK. We wish there were many more like this, especially for some of us whistleblowers.

As we have written before at Doctors4Justice swearing is healthy release of frustration. Judges are subjected to an enormous amount of frustration.