Saturday 18 September 2010

Protest against Pope's Visit in London on 18th September 2010

When I went to one of the first protests against the planned Pope's visit to UK there were only about fifty of us standing outside in the cold, on a rather windy day in March 2010. Now look at the picture. Thousands.
As we marched from Hyde Park Corner down Piccadilly people kept joining in, stepping down from the pavements and mixing with us. There were celebrities walking just in front of me e.g. Professor Richard Dawkins and various people from media. As we chanted: " Children's rights are Human Rights", children were joining us on their bicycles. Mothers joined with children in pushchairs and Dads with babies in their arms.
There were women's rights protesters, homosexual and transgender Human Rights Activists, as well as those opposed to racism. Pro-science lobby was there as well with some protesters carrying placards saying: "I believe in Science".
People waved from balconies, cars and buses in support. Some cooks in a posh Piccadilly restaurant got their napkins made into Papal hats as they waved to us from their balcony.
The organizers did not expect so many people to turn up so when we arrived at Downing Street we had to spread all the way down to Parliament Square and up to Trafalgar Square.
I looked around and noticed people dressed as giant condoms with placards pointing to Pope's role in the spread of AIDS because of his opposition to contraception. Many condoms were made into balloons. Protesters chanted: "Contraception saves lives! Contraception saves lives!"
Some gay people wore pink Papal hats. There was a Papesse as well made up as a witch.
Large group of Japanese adolescent visiting London waved in support in Haymarket.
There was a huge amount of international media presence and many, many photographs were taken.
Police were quite nervous at the start of the demonstration as they could see a very, very large crowd forming right behind them. Two helicopters hovered above us as if permanently suspended in two fixed spots over Picadilly. They got a good view so they were not moving on.
Educational activists joined in some carrying placards that all religious education is a form of child abuse: teaching untruths to vulnerable.
Speakers outlined Pope Ratzinger's knowledge of child abuse scandals and how he covered up for them for many years. Police were asked to arrest him. They averted their eyes from us as protesters shouted: And all British Prime Ministers knew about it.
Some protesters and speakers came all the long way from USA and Canada. Victims of abuse by clergy spoke of their ordeal what it involved, shame and guilt and pain for so many years.
Progressive Catholics (including some priests) joined the protest and spoke of the need for reform.
Vatican was not accepted as a state by the protesters.
Unionists were collecting signatures against the proposed government cuts pointing that government was wasting money on this state visit.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Pope's historic visit and Tartan Knickers designed by Prince Phillip

On this lovely day, Prince Phillip designed, at least, in his mind new Pope tartan knickers. He asked a female politician if there were knickers in the same tartan. What a brilliant commercial idea. Prince Phillip is totally wasted in his current abode. I think, he would make a great marketing man! He is already recognized as talented artist and read here about his design prize which has been going on for some time.
He must have been so bored at yet another ceremony today (16-9-2010) when during Pope's visit to Scotland, a new Pope tartan was presented to a Vatican official.
Prince Phillip has the brains this country does not appreciate.
He is the only member of the Establishment who made me think what may or may not be worn as underwear at some Vatican Party. Historically, Vatican is well known for some of the wildest parties.
As far as I know, this Pope visit was not something the Queen asked for, but was forced by the previous Prime Minister, Mr Anthony Blair. He was a secret Catholic during his premiership just like many other people in British institutions who prospered during his time.
There have been provocative actions and statements by the religious lot during Mr Blair's years which led to persecution of doctors, for example, on some scale before the General Medical Council. Doctors' fees paid for it and the money for the fees came from the tax payers as most doctors work in state institutions and subscribe to the politics of the day.
There are now about one million men raped by clergy world-wide and the British Establishment cannot face up to it yet. In British state and religious institutions religious uniforms can be worn when working with mentally ill some of whom would have Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and would react badly to reminders of trauma such as religious clothing. Men raped by clergy can experience panic attacks characterized by palpitations, shortness of breath, fear of going mad, nausea, dizziness and other symptoms when encountering the reminders of trauma (religious uniforms are reminders). Those who experience panic attacks have twice as high risk of myocardial infarction. Yes, it is a real Health and Safety issue.
Vatican covered up for the child abuse on large scale and we know it.
This Utube music video is not in English. but I think it is something to do with how men feel about child abuse at the hands of clergy. Good music rhythm.
Canon lawyer Thomas Doyle was sacked for his criticism of the Vatican Law Crimen Solicationis. which ordered clergy to keep the crimes secret and raped children were threatened with excommunications.
When I raised the issue of the wearing of religious uniforms when working with mentally ill, General Medical Council had Profesor Catto (Catholic name) as President who just hushed the whole thing up and certainly did not refer it to any Ethics committee.
Here is a petition you may wish to sign:

Sunday 12 September 2010

Lesson1: Teaching the Compare and Contrast Essay Modeling Dr Wendy Chapman and Dr Peter Jefferys

Photograph by Ray Willmott, Daily Telegraph

Here is Dr Wendy Chapman. medical doctor, who was found guilty of serious professional misconduct by the General Medical Council, (GMC) UK for cutting the lip of Mr Tom Williams, a Harlequins rugby player to cover up for his faked blood injury.

She was suspended for one year by GMC, now reinstated with conclusion that her fitness to practice is no longer impaired and that she did what she did because she was severely depressed. Well, dishonesty is not considered a symptom of depression although, of course, people with low self-esteem do lie, as well as those whose character can be described as immature.

GMC can be very partial to dishonest doctors. One of those is Dr Peter Jefferys, a veteran Expert Witness, well known for making false allegations against professionals, preferably women and, I would guess, not that fond of those who have come from the minority ethnic group judging by his work on Section 12(2) Approval Criteria for NHS London.

Unlike Dr Chapman who cut the man who wanted to be cut, Dr Peter Jefferys persecuted people who did not want to be persecuted. He contributed, by his faulty decision making to serious harm to patients (including one death by suicide in a detained patient when he unfairly sacked patients' consultant).

GMC did not suspend Dr Peter Jefferys and did not investigate him, and did not expect him to declare himself mad in order to escape the consequences of his abuse of power. GMC gave him the job to sit on Fitness to Practice Panels judging other doctors. GMC pays him even today.

So, little children, for your homework compare and contrast the treatment of these two doctors to answer this question:

1. When does honesty matter?

2. Does it really matter overall for anyone?

3. Why was the character of Pinocchio made in the form of a puppet? Why made out of wood? Why was Pinocchio, which means pine nut given that name and not walnut? Compare a pine nut with a walnut.
4. Who plays with puppets?
Extra homework for the talented:
Why was Mr Stephen Brennan, physiotherapist struck off? He did not cut anyone, but provided fake blood capsules over the years for Harlequins players. He was struck off by Health Professions Council.

That is the end of lesson 1.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Virginia Jibowu. Kings College London Under Fire

Multiple concerns about Kings College London Medical School have been raised. The General Medical Council and every other authority have refused to investigate the evidence presented. The social experiment and EMDP should be banned by the General Medical Council. Those of us who are aware of the lax attitude of the GMC will be aware that the GMC never acts unless it has to. Kings College London Medical School appears to be institutionally racist yet everyone has turned a blind eye to the legitimate and evidence based concerns raised by Virginia Jibowu.