Wednesday 8 March 2017

Happy International Women's Day 8th March!

                                                C Zetkin 1.jpg                                                                                            In some countries, like Russia, today is public holiday celebrated usually at least one day in advance for those who are working followed by more celebrations at home and with family and friends. Festive meals, gifts, champagne and other kind gestures from women to women and from men to women too. At work in Russia men give women gifts a day before, on 7th March. Usually, there is nice office celebration too. Champagne flows.

Political movement at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th rooted in labour movement demanded equality of opportunity for women. Clara Zetkin leader of Women's section in Social Democratic Party in Germany suggested 8th March as International Women's Day. Her proposal was accepted at the Second Working Women Conference in Copenhagen. Of the 100 women that attended there were three just elected to Finish Parliament.

Much inequality remains for many women all over the world. Doctors4Justice has asked today USA President to make this day public holiday for all in USA.

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