Saturday 5 November 2016



Judges are there to interpret the law in the cases before them. This does mean that there are almost always people who are losers and how they cope with that differs. Some get angry (while denying fear of their perceived inferiority). There are those who want instant gratification, like psychopaths who may be attracted to positions of power such as in Parliament, doctors' surgery, business firms or law firms. Reading the judgement takes time and it delays instant gratification. Thinking also takes time. Considering other people also requires various brain centres to be functioning such as those psychopaths have in smaller sizes. 
Liberal elite is the term given in frustration of not being of the thinking kind. It is accepted that some people are slower than others and need more time to think things through. And where can one find such people? And is it not true that British people have been lied to and they still failed to remove from power those who lied to them? The judgement is not for or against BREXIT but about due process.
Governments do break laws as do their institutions. This happens for a variety of reasons, sometimes it is due to the desire to be popular. Newspapers need to be popular so people would buy them. One can whip up hatred against the vulnerable (such as foreigners or minority) and use vulnerable people (not so smart ones) to be the agents of the hate. BREXIT is something that psychonalysts would have no trouble dissecting. What is interesting is how one deals with terrified people. That to some extent depends on how much they would agree to the necessary measures. But a member of public is not in a therapeutic relationship and neither are most politicians. Most people in UK are blessed with free libraries and Internet but that requires recognition of fear in the first place before one can act on it i.e. be responsible and search for the clever ways of dealing with one's anxiety.

STEP 1: Oh,I recognize that feeling: I am afraid. I do not like it
STEP 2: I am not rubbish. I can cope. I shall face up to it
STEP 3: How could I break it into smaller manageable steps

The path to responsibility i.e. the ability to respond does involve recognition of one's feelings and needs. The process of victimisation, as here of the judges, is classic in that both feelings and needs are disregarded by the perpetrators. If one realised one is afraid it is not something that cannot be dealt with, but some people are too ashamed to admit it to themselves and instead react with hostility. If one has poor self-esteem one is less likely to have the strength to admit they made a mistake. Needs relevant here are so many:
need for self-respect
need for good reputation
need of economic nature
need for fairness and justice as in society in which we live. There has to be perception of this as well.

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