Wednesday 7 January 2015

Unemployed doctors and nurses in UK at the same time as there is shortage of doctors and nurses in UK

For a long time now there has been a customary "execution" of doctors and nurses in the NHS
(National Health Service) if, for example, they questioned bad medical, nursing, management or political practise, or if practitioners just, simply, excelled in their work. NHS is a very large and very busy employer with direct links to the regulators so, dissenting voices, or unwelcome competitors can be silenced for ever. If not immediately then over a period of years sometimes lasting 15 years or more of continuous harassment through the regulators.

Now, once again, one presumes, prior to the next election NHS has been used to point the waiting times in Accident and Emergency Departments and therefore, "crises" in NHS is created. The hope one presumes is that the voters would go back to the previously elected party.

UK has many doctors and nurses who are unemployed and who have been educated for many years at  the great public and private expense. This is not a secret.

The government has not rehabilitated the whistle-blowers who having harmed not a single person have been allowed to suffer decades of public humiliations, financial disasters and much more hardship.

The regulators pretend they are helpless and unable to speak up about their errors even when they know them only too well. Where is their insight into their mistakes?

Yet, regulators have condemned professionals for their lack of insight (to insinuate mental derangement of any kind) when whistle-blowers point with the great insight what has gone wrong and what will go wrong in the future.

When overwhelming evidence was presented that future loss of life will happen the regulators have continued to pretend that there is nothing they can do to the present day. Self-regulation does not work. There are very good doctors and nurses in UK who also do not work and meanwhile people suffer harm.

Yes, more people will die because public quite simply allow it.

1 comment:

  1. "UK has many doctors and nurses who are unemployed and who have been educated for many years at the great public and private expense. This is not a secret." Yet nobody will address it. Many professionals who cannot get jobs are newly qualified. This also occurs in other countries- see nurseuncut Australia, and evidence from America.
