Wednesday 1 January 2014

Psychiatrists and Whistleblowing

In her excellent article Dr Jean Lennane explores how psychiatrists treat whistleblowers. It is just so true.
If they are denied access to whistleblower this does not stop them from making demands for such evaluations and allegations of dysfunctionality in whistleblowers.


  1. I have recently read that the Government want to abolish GMC and other regulators. The health regulators will be jointly managed by another body. Though this seems to be welcome news, though late, there is a need for more pragmatic steps to prevent psychiatry being used for political purposes.

  2. GMC has used Dr Sheila Mann, the psychiatrist and its own former deputy registrar, Peter Lynn to make false allegations of mental illness after a trainee exposed poor standard of care of the elderly and nothing was done.

    Even in this era, the old Soviet Union's tactics are being used by the GMC.
