Sunday 24 February 2013

Holy Motors by Helen Bright

Holy Motors is a Franco-German film directed by Leos Carax. The main character is Monsieur Oscar (actor Denis Lavant) who is driven around Paris by his associate (actor Edith Scob) in order to attend to his appointments.

In his limousine he has a a range of costumes and make up. He assumes extraordinary roles throughout the day. His fantasies are acted out, mixed with his unconscious mind processes which becomes visible on the screen to the viewer.

This is an intellectually stimulating and entertaining film. Please, see it if you get a chance. It may be a good idea to view the film with a group of friends and have a lively discussion afterwards what the film was about over drinks.

The photograph above is of Monsieur Oscar's associate, who at the end of a very, very long day puts on her mask before she goes to her home. The limousine is left in a garage called Holy Motors.

When humans have gone home cars engage in a political conversation. They fear they are outdated like human beings and due to be replaced.

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