Monday 19 September 2011

Dr Richard Alexander Scott at GMC this week



Dr Richard Alexander SCOTT

From : 22 September 2011 To : 23 September 2011

Category : Investigation Committee (Oral Hearing)

Info :
Dr Richard Alexander SCOTT

GMC Reference Number: 2890748

Date: 9:30am on 22 September 2011 (Two days)

Hearing Room: To be confirmed
Address: 7th Floor, St James's Buildings, 79 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6FQ

This case will be considered by the Investigation Committee applying the General Medical Council’s Fitness to Practise Rules 2004

The Investigation Committee (Oral hearing) will meet at 9:30am on 22 September 2011 in a hearing room to be confirmed, at 7th Floor, St James's Buildings, 79 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6FQ. The Committee will consider whether it is appropriate to issue Dr Scott with a warning in light of his alleged inappropriate expression of religious beliefs during a consultation, which distressed his patient. It is further alleged that Dr Scott subsequently confirmed, via national media, that he had sought to suggest his own faith had more to offer than that of the patient.

Area of Practice: Kent

Type of Case: Misconduct

Dr Scott has indicated that he is not prepared to accept a warning as proposed by GMC Case Examiners, and has elected to have his case heard by the Investigation Committee at an Oral hearing. The Investigation Committee will consider the matters and will determine whether it would be appropriate to issue him with a warning.

And this is what Bathseda Medical Centre where Dr Richard Alexander Scott works states on their website:

Our approach to your healthcare

Our approach to your healthcare


Bethesda was a place in Bible where Christ healed a lame man and means literally 'house of mercy'

The Practice originated in Northdown Road, Cliftonville, Margate in the 1920s, moving to 77, Cornwall Gardens in 1969 and most recently (December 2003) to Palm bay Avenue where today it offers 12 consulting rooms, 6 treatment rooms and a number of support personal/services such as health visitors, district nurses, counsellors, ophthalmologists, physiotherapist, diabetic podiatrist, minor operations and midwifery. The Practice is also a recognised training centre for medical students and GPs on vocational development.

The 6 Partners are all practising Christians from a variety of Churches and their faith guides the way in which they view their work and responsibilities to the patients and employees. The Partners feel that the offer of talking to you on spiritual matters is of great benefit. If you do not wish this, that is your right and will not affect your medical care. Please tell the doctor (or drop a note to the Practice Manager) if you do not wish to speak on matters of faith.

In other words if you do not read our website and do not tells us in time of your opposition to discussions of faith, your life could be made difficult. Is it reasonable to put patients in this situation? No, it is not. We expect our doctors to respect medical evidence and to treat us in neutral environment.

Faith is a personal matter, NHS is state funded large organization and it does not have the purpose that Bathseda Health Centre has attached to it.

I predict that GMC will cave in to Dr Scott. There is nothing men at GMC like more than patriarchal religions. It affirms men's ruling position at GMC if nothing else. GMC has plenty of religious workers to put on Dr Scott's Investigation panel, GMC has Bible on GMC website and GMC has the choice of religious barristers to use at their disposal as they like. There is absolutely nothing to stop GMC reaffirming their own position in practice that faith comes first and patients second contrary to the law and GMC's Good Medical Practice which says patients come first.

For hundreds of years some doctors had to fight for truth in medical regulation while others doctors have fought for faith in medical regulation. GMC employed an exorcist doctor in their Council and he worked at FTP hearings. We do not agree with GMC that doctors can pray in their medical practice with their patients irrespective of patients likes or dislikes for it. Prayers do not work. A scientific fact. It brings medical profession into disrepute to peddle untruths. The only reason why GMC likes this case is because step by step they want to bring religion to rule doctors in even more ghastly manner. It is so destructive and self-destructive. The same men appointed during Labour's religious leadership still rule GMC.


1 comment:

  1. Likewise, there are times when these professionals are charged with allegations that can trouble their fitness to practice. The GMC fitness to practise guarantees the kind of service and confident are delivered to patients safely and effectively. The panel of GMC defence lawyers have expertise to hear and evaluate cases brought before them. Those with interim orders are also given the opportunity to lay their reconsiderations to regain their fitness to practise.
