Saturday 5 March 2011

We are not a religious country - banned

The British Humanist Association advertisement has been banned from railways by the companies that owe them.

Advertising Standards Authority appears not to have woken up to the political reality either judging by some of their decisions.

People, really, are fed up of being misrepresented by some politicians and their money being used for purposes that make them sick.

I took part in the last census and when asked about my religion the researcher would not accept my answer that I had none and insisted on finding out about the religion of my mother and my father in order to fit me into one of the religions. This of course, has been done all across the country and hence protestations.

Censorship of non-religious opinions is every day reality. State institutions are particularly vicious in that respect and participate in persecution of individuals for many years. Professionals, well educated and not poor either had been attacked and some permanently destroyed during Labour government.

Medical trade unions have done nothing to combat religious and careerists misusing their power even when hundreds of doctors were lost. Doctors with interest in child protection, mental health, reproductive rights, gender re-assignment issues and women's rights are always more vulnerable during religious regimes. Women and children are meant to be man's property according to major religions, so religious regime closed its eyes to those who abused their positions (power) to destroy others. Usually allegations of misconduct have been made as in these situations medical defense bodies are most likely not to be interested in providing legal back up. Insurance companies are unlikely to get hit if there is no allegations of clinical incompetence. So it is not in their interest to protect the doctor.

In National Health Service, twenty nine million pounds was spent on chaplains in year 2009/2010 showing no health benefit. Meanwhile cancer and other patients cannot get medication. A friend of mine, a pharmacist, went to see her GP to get a prescription of an antidepressant which she had before and which helped her but was told it was too expensive. She managed to assert herself but was quite upset by the consultation. Many mentally ill people would not have the knowledge or the strength to fight for their medicine.

While some of the poorest countries in Europe signed and ratified Council of Europe conventions that would protect the rights of e.g. children, UK did not. However, it has always been busy telling other countries about human rights abuses in there.

Here is one report from Commissioner on Human Rights on corporal punishment of children who were also found to have been discriminated in law.

Teachers who represent the threat to oppressive religious regime also had suffered attacks and exclusion from schools which became religious schools.

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