Thursday 16 December 2010

Julian Assange freed on bail by Justice Ouseley in High Court by Dr Helen Bright

I am delighted that Mr Assange is freed on bail, but unhappy that his freedom is limited because of the severe conditions imposed. He should not be on any bail at all. He should be a free man. Full stop.

Well, that is the life of the whistleblower being persecuted and damaged. Most people do not whistleblow even though majority of people do notice what is wrong. About one third of those who do expose wrongdoing suffer severe damage and the determining factor in their survival is how much support they get.

Justice Ouseley is hardly the risk taker and not great in emergencies injunctions type of situation either (I know from personal experience), but his judgment would be useful to me. I like the way he said: "The history of the way it has been dealt with by the Swedish prosecutors would give Mr Assange some basis that he might be acquitted following a trial".

So what was Justice Duncan Ouseley thinking when he had the evidence before him how General Medical Council repeatedly stitched me up with their religious and biased tribunals? Well, he thought the case was weak. He did not think much of the fact that General Medical Council had to apologize to me for defamation either.

I would say some more Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is needed for British judges on whistleblowing. With their 16 hours a year for lawyers of compulsory CPD, I wonder if ignorance is an unspoken requirement for the job.

Yes, support matters a lot to how whistleblowers survive and men do have an advantage over woman in some areas but clearly there is no justice for either sex if you are a whistleblower and what has been disclosed offends/threatens the establishment. In my case it was, and it still is, that religion is forced on mentally ill. Of course, it is forced on children too. In fact, anyone who is vulnerable. Human Rights? Well anyone can read about it, some can write about it but not many have the ability to enforce them.

I notice that there has been some speculation about Mr Assange's personality by a psychiatrist at Fox media. This is so typical for whistleblowers. If Mr Assange was a doctor he would have been sent to some nasty forensic psychiatrist paid for by medical regulator like the General Medical Council in London.
It seems that having integrity as whistleblowers do is both illegal and unhealthy according to the establishment.

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