Tuesday 31 August 2010


Ms Naked Truth, UK Whistleblower wanted to meet with some government officials to yes, you guessed it, tell them some true things. They declined but we noticed that NHS's Dave is not wearing his tie on some official photos and that is as far as NHS Dave would go. He wants to be safe.
Another Dave is enjoying good family life, and the garden too. We wonder if it is designed according to Zen philosophy according to which only evil spirits travel in straight line. Therefore, in a small garden one would position stones and rocks to emulate a meandering stream. There is no need to have water, it is left to one's imagination.


  1. Despite its title, try as I might, I can't fathom out what DOCTORS4JUSTICE aim is. Is its aim to confuse the reader? What is this post about?

  2. About CE of NHS refusing to meet with whistleblowers group contrary to the current government policy of openess and new policy of better support for whistleblowers. OK?

  3. Obvious from the first two sentences, but its relevance gets lost in the rest of the cryptic offering.

    I came to this site as a doc needing justice, but I am not convinced I will be safe here.
    Most of the points of the posts appear to be lost in nonsense.

  4. I think you made a good decision. You are not safe here and quite, frankly, we are not either.
    Perhaps, less metaphore is more for you. Try and keep away from things like "a" is for apple, "b" is for bee as even such concepts can be frought with difficulties and injustice based on discrimination and specism.
    Wishing you all the best in Health and Safety Department! Be careful not to breath too quickly either as it can make you dizzy and cause imbalance in electrolytes. :)
