Tuesday 24 August 2010

Invitation to a Protest

Members of the public remain unimpressed by the Department of Health

National Patient Groups 'Walk the Talk' about the National Health Shame and Cordially invite Andrew Lansley the Health Secretary to meet 1st September, 2010.

Mrs. Ann Reeves of the Gosport War Memorial Hospital Action Group www.gosportwarmemorialcoverup.spruz.com along with other members of her group will join forces with members of the NHS Reform Group and the NHS Complaints Exposed Group and present a petition " ELSIE'S LAW" and relevant papers to the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street.

The 'Walk the Talk' will commence at the Law Courts in Aldwych, London at 12.noon 1st September, the silent protest will continue down the Strand, turn into Whitehall and proceed to Downing Street.

Mrs. Ann Reeves and her supporters from the Gosport War Memorial Hospital campaign will hand in a petition at 2.00p.m. asking for 'Elsie's Law' to be put in place to regulate the "Liverpool Care Pathway" in order to stop Drs and Nurses using the LCP for 'involuntary euthansia" :

Then Members of the NHS Reform Group www.nhsreformgroup.com and NHS Complaints Exposed Group www.nhsconmplaintsexposed.co.uk will hand in papers at 2.15p.m.

The date of this 'Walk the Talk' is significant to Mrs. Reeves and her continued Campaign for Justice for her Mother, in the fact that on this VERY day 1st September Hitlers' EUTHANASIA DECREE was drafted in 1939 AND it is the same date as when Harold Shipman the notorious euthanizing Dr. was charged with Murder in 1998. Mrs. Reeves is demanding on this same day the 1st September that Dr. Jane Barton is brought justice.

Mrs. Reeves says "My mother was NOT dying. Dr. Barton administered drugs without justification or logic" as proven by a Jury at the Portsmouth Inquest.

Mr.Miguel Cubells founding member of the NHS Reform Group says "We seek openness, transparency and justice instead of the current culture of denial. Perhaps only then can the NHS begin to 'Learn Lessons' and improve their systems across the board. We also want genuine support for NHS whistleblowers who are frequently labelled as 'troublemakers' despite the evidence to the contrary. They are subjected to hate campaigns, ostracized, criminalised, suspended and referred to Regulatory Bodies that behave like an insightless totalitarian regime.

Mrs. Janet Brooks member of NHS Complaints Exposed says "when the NHS make a serious mistake, they use every trick in the book to cover up failings. We are finding that more and more NHS Hospitals are making mistakes due to staff being inadequately trained and staffing levels being too low, but when a complaint is lodge, one finds the whole system is in denial and the complainant is damned".


  1. Protest, I would love to join.
    See you all there.

  2. Members of the public should not have to go to these lengths in order to get justice and accountability for having a loved ones life ended prematurely whether it is by accident, neglect, blunder, medical error or as in some cases by design. People should be held accounable for their actions.
