Monday 2 August 2010


Recently BAPIO (British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin) has honoured a number of people some of whom have been criticised eg Professor Paice, and Professor Bhugra. (no picture of Professor Bhugra here, but Prof Paice is on the right picture)

This reminded me of this great video:

I love the cows in the videos, so holy in some parts of the world.

NHS London has some way to go to obtain equality in its policies and conduct of its staff. Professor Bhugra of the Royal College of Psychiatrists has been more silent than a fish in the sea when it came to Section 12(2) Approval Criteria under Mental Health Act 1983 where numerous discriminatory criteria exist. There has never been an acknowledgment or reply from this person to my letters or emails regarding the subject. Professor Bhugra, presumably, would like to continue to be approved by one of his colleagues for his own section 12.2 of Mental Health Act 1983 which he would need to work as a psychiatrist in most settings. Perhaps, he is not feeling discriminated against now on racial grounds as he has made it to the top of the professional ladder, so why should he bother about discriminatory policies against locum doctors the majority of whom are of ethnic origin.

Maybe, Professor Bhugra believes that it is best to do nothing sometimes as that in itself is quite rewarding, clearly.

1 comment:

  1. One must not forget Bhugra's part in sanctioning a lying doctor with a fibbing CV for MRCPsych :)

