Thursday 1 April 2010


Commission for Health Regulatory Excellence has decided that the case of Dr Jane Anne Barton does not need the referral to the High Court to overrule the General Medical Council decision to allow her to practice under only 6 conditions, initially, and which mushroomed magically to more sanctions on her practice over several days and after the hearing, as seen by us on GMC website. I note that there was no declaration of conflict of interests by anyone at CHRE panel deciding if GMC made the correct determination in the case of Dr Jane Anne Barton. I note that, for example only, 39 Essex St. barristers chambers specialize in professional regulatory body cases and approve of more lay people policy at Fitness to Practice hearings (the majority of Fitness to Practice Committee that judged Dr Barton were lay people). It is nice for the government to choose people they know will approve of its policy even when things go horribly wrong. As if class politics has not moved on in our times.
Thus, in my opinion, none of the barristers could expect any rejection from the GMC for future work referrals, government would not suffer the scandal of another doctor eliminating patients and everything stays the same for the poor English working people who are not part of the regulatory establishments.
England can say that a doctor should have been struck off medical register (CHRE did that in case of Dr Jane Anne Barton) and in the same time claim that it was all according to law and even in the public interest not to ask the High Court to uphold their opinion that she should have been struck off!) Oh, please.
Surely, what matters is competence of Fitness to Practice panellists, but their selection is grossly incompetent and negligent. Doctor, GMC FTP panellist can believe in demons causing epilepsy and be the judge of other doctors, a lay member can be impressionable and also into any sort of supernatural beliefs, with sexist, racist attitudes which are allowed for ever. Hundreds of doctors are referred for psychiatric examinations each year by GMC including political dissidents who are subjected to sham peer review and the list of failures goes on. So where are all those regulators when it comes to Human Rights Abuses? Disapproving and approving of themselves in the same time? Looking at the mirror but transfixed by the image to such a degree that they are unable to attend for corrective surgery?
Dr Jane Anne Barton, did not undergo any psychological evaluation to determine her attitude to patients or people in general, as far as I know, but CHRE approved of her. But as GMC has a busload of medical experts to make any reports they would like any time, who cares anyway if she had an independent psychological assessment?
There are thousands of pages of allegations regarding GMC expert witnesses sent to Fitness to Practice, but GMC takes no action if it suits their prejudices and vanity. Surely, the investigators are not going to investigate themselves at the GMC?

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