Sunday 7 March 2010


It was Clara Zetkin, famous German Socialist politician who suggested that there should be International Women's Day.

During period of increased industrialization working conditions for women were very hard and many have died early some as the result of accidents at work, others from exhaustion and poverty.

Demonstrations on International Women's Day in Russia in 1917 were the first stage of Russian Revolution.

Alexandra Kollontai, Russian feminist asked Lenin to make 8th March political public holiday to celebrate women.

There are now a number of countries where it is now officially a public holiday.

In other countries various activities take place ranging from political plays in theatres to political demonstrations and celebrations. In some countries women receive gifts from colleagues at work and at home from family members.

Oppression of women is a big problem today. There is violence against women, sexist bias in administration of justice, businesses and inequality in pay (even in medicine and legal professions).

General Medical Council in London never had a woman president in its entire history. Political activists, men and women are sent to have psychiatric examinations in full knowledge of the stigma attached to mental illness.

In UK, with religious government in power, the number of women doctors referred to psychiatrists by the regulatory bodies has been twice as large compared to male doctors (2007 figures) when standardized for the referral rate.

Expert Witnesses who essentially abuse their powers and make false diagnoses on women doctors have been allowed to continue practising fully protected by the institutional prejudice and power.

No country in the world has managed to achieve equality of opportunity for women and men. Sweden, Norway and USA are regarded as ahead of others.

Women are 70% of the poor in this world, and 64% of the illiterate population. 39 million girls are denied even primary school education.
Every day 1500 women die in childbirth in the world somewhere.

In UK 30 000 women are sacked from their work when employer learns woman is pregnant.

Only 4 of FTSE 100 companies have female Chief Executive.

Only 10% of medical academics are women in UK.

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