Wednesday 3 February 2010


Yet another case of a child dying because prayer was used instead of the medical treatment. Click on this link to read about the case in Oregon.

The above event reminded me of the General Medical Council in UK as a religiously biased body where religious fanatics can exercise their power over doctors, remove them from the workforce and kill patients as a consequence. They sit as members of Fitness to Practice Committee and decide on doctors registration which is an essential legal requirement to practice as a doctor.

There is religious bias in British courts too. Ms Cherie Booth QC is a subject of complaints and investigation by Office of Judicial Complaints (OCJ) because of her conduct of Miah case. Click on link below to read more about Miah case:

However, medical profession's regulatory body does nothing to repair the damage done to innocent doctors caused by their own Fitness to Practice members.

A doctor who judged me at my Fitness to Practice hearing wrote in his book how he prayed for his patient in his surgery for her chronic headache, shivered violently, felt something cold skid across the floor and leave the room. A demon, presumably. He also wrote about his belief that demons cause epilepsy. He has been left with unblemished GMC record, I assume, and is free to go and work anywhere in the world.

Those doctors who declare their conflicts of interests that should exclude them from the hearing process at the General Medical Council in London carry on for many years at GMC and elsewhere.
The same applies to those who do not declare their conflict of interests but should. These doctors can practice and earn millions completely unafraid that they would ever have to face justice.

Thinking is not illegal and neither is acting responsibly.

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