Friday 26 February 2010

Dr Esperanza Cabal acts contrary to Catholic Church wishes

Dr Esperanza Cabal sworn in By President Arroyo (on the left) as Acting Health Secretary in January 2010 already has Catholic Church Bishops asking for her dismissal. On Valentine Day she ordered distribution of condoms which Catholic Church opposes and claims that it would not help the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Philippines have 40% of population earning about $2.00 a day and population control as well as health improvement are obvious needs. Last year Philippines recorded over 800 new cases of AIDS.
In UK Labour administration did not have such a problem with condoms but they certainly do when it comes to the wearing of religious uniforms in inappropriate settings. I am not talking about fetish here, but the needs of mentally ill to be given free space to trust their doctors and nurses as well as their social workers who do not wear uniforms unless they happen to be Catholic Mother Superior.
When Mother Superior gets a job in UK as a social worker all the ethics flies out of the windows and Health Ministers away from their jobs.
Pathetic state of affairs. Maybe UK should have a woman with courage to put the right policies through rather than kneeling Health Secretaries who put their personal interests first and patients second.

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