Wednesday 4 November 2009

Justice in Health Network (JIHN)

Of late, we have all been puzzled as to why Justice In Health Network had failed to invite a number of people to their meeting in the Houses of Parliament. Another meeting dated 23/11/09 is due to be held. Anyone wishing to attend, should make contact with the individuals below. Justice in Health Network kindly issued an invite to a member of Doctors4Justice. Doctors4Justice is taking this opportunity to extend this invitation to the wide public and members of the health profession.

An outline of Justice in Health Network (JIHN)

The Justice in Health Network is an independent, non-party political, grouping bringing together patients, service users, family carers, voluntary sector organisations, and others with knowledge and experience in health matters, social care, and other relevant fields.

We desire an efficient, sedulous, and well run, NHS that is both democratic and accountable, and to bring about beneficial change in medical services, and social care.

We endeavour to facilitate an independent, informed, and coordinated, voice on health policy issues.

From time to time, we hold conferences to promote debate on issues relevant to a wide cross section of health service users, and to encourage and inform public involvement.

We wish to support positive action to improve health services, but will be critical where that is appropriate. We endeavour to do this from an informed viewpoint, to propose possible solutions in a spirit of engagement and co-operation, and to do no harm.

In addition to general networking and other activities, we are currently :-

a) Opening and developing a lines of communication and dialogue between the Network, members and participants, and the health unions, regulators, and other influential bodies.

b) Exploring opportunities to bring about a co-ordinated approach on health issues.

Adrian Delemore,
Project Organiser
Justice in Health Network, March 2009
Justice in Health Network
Park Cottage, Portsmouth Road, Esher, Surrey KT10 9JF
Tel: 07973 834 012 Email:

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