Friday 23 October 2009

Khan v General Medical Council. GMC Beaten in Court

Members of Doctors4Justice assisted on Khan v General Medical Council. The case involved a surgeon who sadly infuriated David Graham of Liverpool Deanery following a threat to sue under the Race Relations Act. This caused a domino effect where the Deanery referred Mr Khan to the General Medical Council for minor CV errors. Despite the fact there was no case to answer, it was taken to hearing where he was given a draconian three months suspension.

We were in close contact with his wife, advised her of the case law, the relevant manner of arguing their case. To Ms Rifat Malik a ex national TV newsreader, the injustices meted out by the GMC came as a real shock. It was her hard work with all our assistance that finally achieved a victory in court. Dr Sushant Varma's tireless work on this case led this family to achieve a successful outcome. The suspension was lifted and Dr Khan was given a clean record.

On the day of the victory, we received this email.

The landmark victory can be downloaded here.

The chocolate did it!!

We just wanted you to be among the first to know that we have been totally vindicated and amir has been cleared of dishonesty and the impairment and sanctions have been set aside.

The judge said that he would be ordering 'no action' to be taken.

We also want to say that you both have been the ones who gave us hope and support for all these years and without you both we would never have made it so far.
You are tireless and resourceful and we know there are so many drs and their families that you have helped through your work - your compassion, humanity and fight for justice has been inspirational. There is no doubt that our success after 5 years of struggle is almost wholly down to your help - we are indebted to you both forever.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Rifat and Amir

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